Monday 5 November 2007

Day 3 update

So today I did Alcatraz. Wow. Really good, well worth the $20 and one of the most interesting tours I've ever done. Quite moving in places which was a little surprising!

In other news, 3 days in and I'm starting to look like a backpacker. This disturbs me. Today the 'magic trousers' were in 3/4 mode all day, despite it being quite chilly. But, I was wearing the cock of the tour shirt all day so this probably excuses me!

Tomorrow, Yosemite, whilst some would hope for small, moustachioed, rabbit killing cowboys, I'm hoping for some hills.

Oh and may I warn you all before you come here. American canned lager is a joke. It's horrific. 6 'cans' of Coors Light last night and this morning I wake up with a chemical hangover. Can't be a real one given how I actually felt fine ALL last night.

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