Tuesday 3 February 2009

My new theory of injury energy.

Hmm. It's Tuesday, it's -2 outside and I've just gone down the club to get some physio. And I've realised that actually, as I approach 30 I'm getting old. Luckily it's not the steady steam of Alzeimers awareness campaigns that are being shat out ad nauseam by the media (I haven't got that far yet). But, it's certainly true that the knocks take longer to heal. To the extent that now, just as new energy is never really created in the universe (GCSE Physics, folks!) then no new injuries are created on the body of Karl Harris. Healing them simply moves them elsewhere!

Still, hamstring is better tonight. Hopefully I won't be limping around the office like Herr Flick from Allo Allo tomorrow!

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