Friday, 9 November 2007

Proof of God's existence or Heaven and Hell in the US?

Deep and meaningful title to a blog entry I realise but, it's really the only way I can compare my previous two destinations.

First, there was Yosemite, perhaps the most beautiful place I've ever visited (yes, even more beautiful than the crisp turf of Hatchley Barn on a balmy August afternoon). I spent Wednesday on a 16 mile hike up what is affectionately known as the half dome. This is a tough trail, most of which was closed in winter but I pressed on until about 100 metres from the summit, when I felt myself lose a footing and thought mother wouldn't like me dieing up here, so I turned around (which involved going down stairs on my bum - doh!). But on that whole sunrise - sunset hike I saw maybe six people. It was beautiful and for the first time in as long as I can remember I heard silence. I also answered a personal mystery by finding some bear shit but I guess that's a story for another day. Up there, even a kinda atheist like me found some majesty in the beauty of the place that made me kinda think there might be a God.

Compare that to Vegas, the over blown, flaccid definition of modern America. No disrespect to anyone, I have met before and during this trip some genuinely lovely Americans who have respect for other people and the world around them. Those kinda people however, don't come to Vegas. I have on the other hand seen some awesome mullets and shit haircuts that I'm trying to get photos of for a rather special little facebook album. Having said that, Vegas is fun. In small doses, like an over large Blackpool that takes itself to seriously. I'm glad I've come here but I doubt I'll be rushing back.

That's all for today folks.

1 comment:

Mike J said...

Hello Karl, just thought you'd like to know that dying is spelt with a y, unless you didn't already. Perhaps it was a deliberate mispelling that somehow formed part of a clever joke far beyond my comprehension.

Anyway, far be it from me to correct your fine blog and, on behalf of mankind, thank you for once and for all putting that great big conundrum as to whether bears do, in fact, shit in the woods well and truly to rest. (By the way, I now feel under pressure not to make any spelling or grammatical faux pas in this comment thanks to my earlier probably-unwanted wordsmithy guidance.)

Keep up the good work my man and happy travels.

PS do I get a prize for the longest comment left on your blog to date?