Saturday, 10 November 2007

People I've pissed off so far...

1. Half of the New York Fire Department. There was some competition on in Vegas and they're all pretty buff guys. I made the obvious statement that they clearly get that way because they have too much time on their hands. That went well.

2. Some old and I mean old geezer in my last youth hostel who I told to STFU when going on about how America won WWII for us. I thought people like that had all been shot. He was like 80. I would have still laid him out if I hadn't walked away.

3. Most of the boyfriends of Vegas. It's not my fault I'm funnier, better looking and have a quirkier accent than them and their birds all loved me (not literally sadly - coulda gotten messy). It's not my fault that they all insist on wearing baseball caps backwards, 3/4 trousers and bad sportswear is it?

In other news, went to a club last night. The barman bought me a beer when I compared the music selection to that of a shit 70's wedding.

Saw the Grand Canyon today. Pretty big - almost too big to register in some ways.

Tomorrow - the long long drive to San Diego. Wish me luck!

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