Monday, 2 February 2009

After 8 months it really is time to blog again

Hi there, I don't really know if anybody really reads this anymore. Well probably not in fact, 8 months is an awfully long time to not write anything.

What's happened to me in that time?

Readers Digest version:

I 'may' have grown up a little. Yes, there are still some massive caveats, I still chase an egg-shaped ball most Saturdays and definitely still read comic books but I don't know, maybe as the times have changed, I've changed.

I'm finally working again! After a wicked Summer putting up marquees (mainly lots of gags about erections), I had a few very depressing months on the dole and now I'm back, temping at a major regional food retailer in their head office. Everyone's been very Co-operative and in many ways its an organisation I believe in, with some genuinely altrusitic and left wing views.

The Warriors have started winning again (this for me is a huge thing as I'm currently not only playing but am first XV manager so spend most of my week acting as a glorified Mum/ Girlfriend/ boss to about 20 blokes I consider to be amongst the best mates a guy could have).

I've toyed with a number of foreign travel options, either back to Vietnam to help my friend Carrie with her plans over there (I'll blog about her charity some point soon - it's amazing some of the stuff that girl has done already and she's barely started!), or going to Brazil to work with street kids in the Rio favellas but at the moment the grim reality is that I just can't flash the cash. I've already sold off nearly every second rate comic book series I've bought over the past few years (and there have been some turkeys!) but have pretty much reached the point where I can't sell anymore (although I do still think about selling my Complete Age of Apocalypse v1-4 but, ultimately nostalgia for the first X-over event of comicdom keeps me away from that).

I spend less time hovering on CBR which is weird. Its not quite the same for me on there these days, a few people who I used to talk to loads aren't on there as much and I'm just not as up on my X-lore as some of the others on there these days. I guess its like when you see a group of your school mates in the local, you pop over and have a pint it starts off great and then there's just a long, almost pregnant pause and you wander off and get your coat.

I was also in danger of turning 30 and still living with my Mum and Dad. Luckily this has been averted and I'm pleased to say I'm moving out at the weekend which will be great.

I'm also trying to do 'stuff' to 'help' people. It's not just money, it's actions, it's keeping a positive outlook on life and generally not being a prick. I've kind of come to realise that maybe that's the most important thing of all in this world obsessed with 'things'.

Ciao for now


1 comment:

Pete said...

With you on CBR, man.

Nearly everyone I liked apart from Jed, Cay and Vic have fucked off.

The place holds very little appeal to me now.