Thursday, 27 September 2007

Brubaker and Epting's Captain America


So I have finally gotten round to reading the first 25 issues of this run in the glorious omnibus format.

Hoah boy, this is without a doubt the most carefully crafted arc of a comic book I've read for years.

Let's start with the positives (I'm gonna assume everyone's read this so no apologies for spoilers):

The Art - Epting's artwork has been hit and miss for me over the years but here there are clear lines, dynamic action scenes and genuine emotions shown on the faces of the characters (his Sin, is particularly unnerving given just how CUTE she looks)

The Story - Bru's a master storyteller at the moment. I've followed him since his Batman days. His Daredevil is stronger than Bendis' (which in itself was Miller-esque in its goodness) , Immortal Iron Fist is probably the best new book of the past 12 months and Criminal is the best Indie on the shelves right now. I'm reserving judgement on his X-men until Messiah Complex.

But, his Cap just blows us away. He gets Steve Rogers and more importantly, he gets Bucky Barnes (yes, Bucky Barnes - another of the sacred deaths of comics bites the dust) and the dynamic of their relationship. Compare Steve's relationship with Ultimate Cap's relationship with the Wasp - that didn't take long did it. Steve and Sharon's relationship (one-day the Captain America mobile is gonna have one of those gawdy Chav stickers with the names Steve and Sharon on) is believable. Steve feels like a man out of time but, he's so much more. He's a leader. He's torn between his friends and his responsibilities. It's poetry!

His casual use of characters is spot on too. Tony Stark has one appearance in the whole run and it works - he does a more compelling Tony in the build-up to Civil War than pretty much anyone bar the Knauf's have done since. And for the first time in a Marvel book, I get Nick Fury. I've never gotten Nick Fury until reading this book.

He even references his own out of continuity House of M story.

Suffice to say, non-comic reading friends, buy this book. Comic reading friends, buy this book. People who are just casually browsing this blog and don't know me from Adam, buy this book.

That is all.

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